Sunday, January 3, 2010

What I Did During Vacation

Billy wants a pair of skates; Susie wants a dolly.
Sally wants a story book; she thinks dolls are folly.

And the trombone player wants a trombone shiny and new
Not the old one that her brother always blew
Her dad's suggestion: "Let's repair and renew."
There is, of course, the question of the "how-to"
Quite honestly, Dad had not even a clue.

And so it was that Billy (not the one mentioned above, but pictured above) instructed me how I might remove the lacquer from the trombone, then proceed, shining it up with Brasso, applying degreaser, then spraying on a new layer of lacquer.

He also loaned me an unrepairable that cannot be damaged by my experiment.

(The steel wool was my own solution to stubborn lacquer, but likely would not be endorsed by a professional restorer.)

I have made a start on this project. So far it convinces me that there may be an easier (albeit costlier) to give our daughter a "new" horn.

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