Thursday, March 5, 2009

Brief Encounters with People on the Grijalva River

It's been a year and a half since our trip to Mexico's Tabasco state to provide medical care to flood victims. Finally, a photo display of people on the Grijalva River.

The liquid eyes of Ignacio, haunting almost.

Brothers Angel, Sergio and Jose Daniel at a campsite on the road.

Domingo demonstrates that river crawdad can be eaten straight out of the boiling water.

Boy baling rain water from the family boat.

Ermeselda made a meal for us after our work.

His shoulder a parrot perch and a couple dozen alligators in a concrete bin beside the house.

To push the story of our medical teams forward, another medical team is now in Sierra Leone, Africa. Please see our friend Nate's accounts of their work in neighboring Ghana at this blog site.

The World magazine story of our Tabasco flood response (January 08) is here.

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